
2021-03-04 06:30:22 字數 1046 閱讀 4053


in the park

there is a beautiful park.you can see ( green ) trees and beautiful flowers in the park.the birds are( singing) songs in the park.

you can do lots of things there.to-day is sunday.the jone's family is (in) the park.

mr jones is ( reading ) the news*****s.ms jones is ( listening ) to music.sally and patty are reading books.

tonmmy is ( playing ) the flute.

1.you read your books .2.you get it finished . 3.the books are on it's shelf.


第一個 can you read your books?


in the park

there is a beautiful park.you can see ( green ) trees and beautiful flowers in the park.the birds are( singsing ) songs in the park.

you can do lots of things there.today is sunday.the jone's family is ( in ) the park.

mr jones is ( reading ) the news*****s.mes jones is ( listening ) to music.sally and patty are reading books.

tonmmy is ( playing ) the flute.


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