
2021-03-20 21:21:12 字數 2962 閱讀 9504


是 lana de rey 的 young and beautiful




young and beautiful


brand new day - massari

if my life was a dream

would you ***e and sleep beside me

if it's real

how it feels

would stay right here with me

fantasies of your love

girl i'm so glad that i've found you

i would dance to the sound

of your heartbeat everyday

if i had the chance to

make you understand to

maybe i would find the words to say

you know where i'm going

i can see you going

baby it's a brand new

brand new day

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

want you so bad

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

losing my mind

if my life was a dream

would you fall asleep to find me

it's so real

how it feels

baby stay right here with me

fantasies of your love

searching my whole life to find you

i would sleep to the sound

of your heartbeat everyday

if i had the chance to

make you understand to

maybe i would find the words to say

you know where i'm going

i can see you glowing

baby it's a brand new

brand new day

if i had the chance to

make you understand to

maybe i would find the words to say

you know where i'm going

i can see you glowing

baby it's a brand new

brand new day


habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

want you so bad

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

losing my mind

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

habibi habibi i

求歌名,這首歌是在某個公益廣告裡面的 20


好記星廣告歌歌詞《心有大未來》的歌詞如下(中英文對照): a bright tomorrow in my heart 我們的未來 it shines for you and me 閃耀著夢想的光彩 we work each day and make our way 共同的心願 a better world to see 未來比現在更美 the future shines for all of us 美好的願望指引著我們 as vast as earth and sky 走向更廣闊的天與海 it calls to us it gives us hope 攜手同行 and makes our spirits fly 只為相聚更精彩 the road ahead is clean and wide 我們來自不同的地方 bright shining as the sun 前行的路上永不孤單 we work and play and live each day 相互信賴 to make our new day ***e 擁有全世界的愛 we lift our voices up as one 我們用同一種聲音 tomorrow』s song to sing 歌唱明天 we work and play and live each day 在每個陽光燦爛的日子裡 a future bright and free 我們心中有大未來


young and beautiful



優酷 搜尋 「保護大自然公益廣告」就出來了!不謝?




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