private sub command1_click()for i = 3 to 200
for j = 2 to sqr(i)
if i mod j = 0 then exit fornext
if j > int(sqr(i)) then print inext
end sub
private sub command1_click()dim s as long, x as longfor s = 3 to 100
if zhi(s) then x = x + 1: print snext
print "共 " & x & "個質數"
end sub
private function zhi(x as long) as boolean
dim b as single, i as long, f as long
for i = 2 to x - 1
if x mod i = 0 then
f = 1: exit for
end if
if f = 1 then zhi = false else zhi = true
end function
private sub form_click()dim n as integer
dim i as integer
dim j as integer
dim s as boolean
n = 0
for i = 3 to 100
s = true
for j = 2 to sqr(i)
if i mod j = 0 then
s = false
exit for
end if
if s then
print format(i, " 0# ");
n = n + 1
if n mod 10 = 0 then printend if
print "從3-100之間共有以上"; n; "個素數"
end sub
private sub command1_click()for i = 3 to 100
for j = 2 to sqr(i)
if i mod j = 0 then exit fornext j
if i mod j <> 0 then
print i,
k = k + 1
if k mod 5 = 0 then printend if
next i
end sub
private sub command1_click()dim i as integer, j as integer, k as integer, su as integer
for i = 100 to 300
for j = 2 to int(sqr(i))if i mod j = 0 then
exit for
end if
if j > int(sqr(i)) thensu = su + i
if k mod 10 = 0 then printprint format(i, "@@@@");
k = k + 1
end if
msgbox su
end sub
vb程式設計 輸出3到100之間所有素數
dim i,j,x
for i=3 to 100
x=1for j=2 to i-1
if i mod j=0 then x=0next j
if x=1 then print i
next i
private sub command2_click()for i = 1 to 100
if prime(i) then print inext
end subpublic function prime(byval m as integer) as boolean '鍒ゆ柇m鏄�惁涓虹礌鏁?
dim b as boolean
dim i as integer
b = true
for i = 2 to sqr(m)
if m mod i = 0 then
b = false
exit for
end if
next i
prime = b
end function
private sub command1_click()clsfor i = 2 to 100
j = i \ 2
do while j >= 2
if i mod j = 0 then exit doj = j - 1
if j = 1 then print inext i
end sub
dim i, j, a, k as integerfor i = 2 to 100
a = 0
for j = 2 to sqr(i)
if i mod j = 0 then a = 1next j
if a = 0 then
print i;
k = k + 1
if k mod 5 = 0 then
end if
end if
next i
private sub form_click()dim i as integer, j as integer, x as integer
for i = 2 to 100
x = 0
for j = 2 to i - 1
if i mod j = 0 then x = 1next j
if x = 0 then print inext i
end sub
private sub command1_click()for i = 1 to 100
for j = 2 to i - 1
if i mod j = 0 then
exit for
end if
if j = i - 1 then
print i
end if
next j
next i
end sub
private function isprime(byref n as integer) as boolean '此函式用於判斷一個數是否素數dim j as integer
isprime = true
for j = 2 to n - 1
if n mod j = 0 then isprime = false: exit for
end function
用法dim i as integer ,n as integer for i =100 to 300if isprime (i) then print i,n=n+1if n mod 10 =0 then print '10個一行。endif next
我不懂vb 但粗略看得懂。。。 樓上的方法不好 100~300這個範圍可以用篩選法高效率求素數了 沒必要 2 to n-1
vb 程式設計輸出fibonacci數列的前n項
這題主要考察遞迴函式的思想。如下 include int fbi int i 遞迴函式 輸出數列的第i項資料,這裡i從0開始計算。int main else 擴充套件資料 一個函式可以呼叫其他函式。如果這個函式在內部呼叫它自己,那麼這個函式就叫遞迴函式。遞迴函式的作用和迴圈的方法效果一樣,即遞迴函式...
vba程式設計實現不重複隨機數輸出。vba裡的隨機函式是rnd,在工作表中隨機函式是rand,一字e68a8462616964757a686964616f31333363393566之差,可要記好了。rnd取值範圍是 0,1 意思是0和1之間的一個隨機數,包含0,但不包含1。1 用法 語法 rnd ...
1 首先開啟visual c 6.0 檔案 新建 檔案 c source file。2 輸入預處理命令和主函式 include 函式頭 輸入輸出標頭檔案 void main 空型別 主函式 3 定義變數並使用雙重迴圈 int a,b,c 0 定義變數的資料型別為整型併為c賦值 for a 10 a ...