如何用EXCEL VBA將漢字轉成GB2312的URL編碼,如輸入 中國 ,生成 D6 D0 B9 FA ,用於網路查詢

2022-04-06 14:35:49 字數 2064 閱讀 5172


據說有 multibytetowidechar 和 widechartomultibyte 這兩個函式可以使用,但是我沒用過!


public function uncode(x as range) as string

on error resume next

msgbox asc(mid(x, 1, 1)) + 65536

if x.columns.count <> 1 then

uncode = "error"

exit function

end if

if len(x) = 0 then exit function

dim a, b, c, i

b = ""

for i = 1 to len(x)

a = mid(x, i, 1)

if asc(a) < 0 then

uncode = uncode & sixteen(asc(a) + 65536)


uncode = uncode & a

end if


end function

public function sixteen(m as long) as string

n = m

x = "": y = ""

do while n <> 0

a = n mod 2

n = n \ 2

x = a & x


do while len(x) mod 4 <> 0

x = "0" + x


do while len(x) > 0

select case right(x, 4)

case "0000"

y = "0" + y

case "0001"

y = "1" + y

case "0010"

y = "2" + y

case "0011"

y = "3" + y

case "0100"

y = "4" + y

case "0101"

y = "5" + y

case "0110"

y = "6" + y

case "0111"

y = "7" + y

case "1000"

y = "8" + y

case "1001"

y = "9" + y

case "1010"

y = "a" + y

case "1011"

y = "b" + y

case "1100"

y = "c" + y

case "1101"

y = "d" + y

case "1110"

y = "e" + y

case "1111"

y = "f" + y

end select

x = left(x, len(x) - 4)


sixteen = y

end function

如何用excel 的vba實現數字漢字拆分?



sub z()

dim s as string, i as longs = "aa往ddd往aa"

i = 1

do while i < len(s) - 1if (asc(mid(s, i, 1)) and 128) <> (asc(mid(s, i + 1, 1)) and 128) then

s = left(s, i) & "^" & right(s, len(s) - i)

i = i + 1 '1為插入字元"^"的長度,注意要一致,否則進入死迴圈

end if

i = i + 1


msgbox s

end sub

如何用EXCEL VBA讀入固定格式的

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