what 's your name?
my name is zhang jun
how old are you?
13what's your e-mail address?
it's zjgx@sina.com
which grade are you?
i'm one grade
can you speak english?
i can speak a little
why do you want to join the club?
because i want to learn a lot about american
a (jim) b(zhangjun)
a:how do you do!
b:how do you do!
a:what 's your name?
b:my name is zhang jun.and you?
a:my name is jim.how old are you?
b:i am 13 years old.
a:what's your e-mail address?
b:it's zjgx@sina.com
a:which grade are you?
b:i'm grade one.
a:can you speak english?
b: a little.
a:why do you want to join the club?
b:because i want to learn a lot about american.
公曆 1986年11月19日星期三天蠍座 農曆 虎年 十月十八日 四柱 丙寅 丙寅年。己亥月 丁卯日 庚戌時 6歲交大運。6歲庚子 16辛丑 26壬寅 36癸卯 46甲辰 56乙巳 斷。丁生火月,官印同宮。八字財官印全,利官見貴。木旺仁慈有惻隱之心,懂禮節,聰明伶俐。一生正財。不適合投機生意。適合給...
1 the consumer has promised to pay us for the products 256 of low quality at first,so there s no need to recharge the resupply 2 we firstly charge the...
你好,tortoise先生,你現在是在做什麼呢?你好,hare小姐,我正在散步。你為什麼不穿上滑板鞋呢?你會走得更快一些比現在。不,我將會一步步地走。step by step固定短語 一步步地 逐步地 我確信我可以成功,我將是最後的贏家。這樣可以麼?就像現在?喔,你太慢了。我走路甚至都比你跑的快。h...