first, english is a world language. it is said that you can communicate everywhere if you know english. second, china is opposed to the opportunity to develop is economy worldwide.
it is essential to know other countries' economic and cultural background. english is the key to the success. third, more and more foreigners are interested in chinese literature and culture.
mastering the english, we can better promote our heritage and let more people understand and like china.
從前詹姆士 桑希爾,一位著名的英國畫家,被要求在國王的牆上畫一些圖畫.然後工人就被派去製作一大平臺.在一名工人的幫助下,桑希爾在平臺上開始畫。他們工作了一整年,終於畫好了。當他看著他的畫時桑希爾 很高興,因為它們太美了。他看了很長時間,看了一便又一便。現在這幅畫感覺更好了。他採取了其它步驟,等等。最...
my week on monday,i often go shoping with my mum.on tuesday i usually play computer game.i watch tv on wednesday.on thursday,i do housework.i do my ho...
什麼時候你最聰明 什麼時候你最聰明從18到25歲,根據智商分數 智商 而你卻更加具有智慧和經驗隨著年齡的增加。你是在你20,最大約30 記憶力開始下降 下降 尤其是你的能力進行數學計算。但是你i.q.for其他任務,美國加州大學柏克萊分校的心理學家說爬亞瑟 延森。45歲時你的詞彙量,例如,是那個房間...