寫你一家人正在幹什麼的英語作文,寫你一家人正在幹什麼的英語作文 小小知識站

2021-03-30 15:29:24 字數 1507 閱讀 5740


my father is reading news*****.my mother is cooking meals.look!

my sister is playing the piano.where is my brother?oh,he is writing an e-mail.

i am doing my homework.

寫你一家人正在幹什麼的英語作文 小小知識站


there are four people in my family.they are my father,my mother,my elderly brother and i.my father is a ***puter engineer.

he works in a big ***pany in my city.my mother is a nurse.she works hard to help patients.

but she is always busy and always ***es home late tiredly.my brother is three years older than me.now,he is a middle school student.

he is sunny and easygoing.he can help me a lot in my study.i am primary school student.

i love my families.so do they.




there are four people in my family.they are my father,my mother,my elderly brother and i.my father is a ***puter engineer.

he works in a big ***pany in my city.my mother is a nurse.she works hard to help patients.

but she is always busy and always ***es home late tiredly.my brother is three years older than me.now,he is a middle school student.

he is sunny and easygoing.he can help me a lot in my study.i am primary school student.

i love my families.so do they.




烈日炎炎,大地像一個蒸籠蒸烤著人們,媽,您別幹了。媽媽有些埋怨但有些心痛的話語響起,都幹一箇中午了,快歇歇吧,讓我來幹。奶奶望著媽媽那心疼的目光,笑盈盈地說,沒事兒,沒事兒,歲數大了,多幹點活好,舒筋活血。我站在一旁看著奶奶額頭豆大的汗珠,心裡有些不忍,便說道 奶奶,您都這把年紀了,雖然幹活是好,但...


我家有三口人,性格各異,特點不一。雖然有時是各拿各的號,各吹各的調,但多數時候還能奏出優美的和絃來。我爸爸每天工作回來都要讓我倒一杯茶給他,他每天都在努力地工作,沒有偷懶。有一次,爸爸高興地回來報喜,他說 我當上總經理啦!我和媽媽很開心,但媽媽也沒有忘記叮囑爸爸 可是你不能得意哦!爸爸微笑著點點頭說...


可以圍繞和諧或者幸福去寫,怎麼幸福,爸爸主外,媽媽主內,我照顧妹妹,妹妹是我們的寶 幸福的一家每天都怎麼過的,比如說妹妹要過生日,爸爸出差回來時給妹妹帶了禮物,意想不到的驚喜,媽媽就提前準備大餐,我呢,就給妹妹講同學們都是怎麼過生日的,妹妹就乖乖地聽著 我的一家作文400字 在我家裡,有一個非常幽默...