i am just kidding without any illintention.
i let you wait too long.
my brother is a little bit bothersome,
but that's ok.
can you use this software tochat via phonetics.
you can hear my voice,though itis not quite charming.
1) this is only a joke, i am not by bad mean.
2) i make you waiting me for long time.
3) althuogh by yuong brother dislike a little bit,
it is still very good.
4) does this software can voice chat?
5) you can hear my voice, although it is not sweet (attracted).
1. it was just a joke, i didn't mean it.
2. sorry for letting you wait for so long.
3. my little brother is kind of annoying, but he's still a nice kid.
4. can you use voice chat on this software?
5. even though my voice is not that great, you can still hear it.
第一條與第二條。哀公問社 1 於宰我,宰我 2 對曰 夏后氏以松,殷人以柏,周人以慄,曰 使民戰慄 3 子聞之,曰 成事不說,遂事不諫,既往不咎。註釋 1 社 土地神,祭祀土神的廟也稱社。2 宰我 名予,字子我,孔子的學生。3 戰慄 恐懼,發抖。使老百姓戰慄。孔子聽到後說 已經做過的事不用提了,已經...
親,我雖然比較喜歡歐美歌曲,但是也聽過挺多好聽的中文歌呢。下面是我在qq 裡一首首找的哦。愛你 鄧紫棋。一 劉德華。紅玫瑰 陳奕迅。傷信 陳奕迅。不如不見 陳奕迅。我還想他 林俊杰。忘記 林俊杰。記得 張惠妹。解脫 張惠妹。哭砂 張惠妹。原來你什麼都不要 張惠妹。如果你也聽說 張惠妹。上海一九四三 ...
當我還是個整bai夜啼哭的小嬰兒du時,我的媽zhi媽總是陪在我身邊還給我dao 唱歌。當我餓內 了 累了,她就容給我餵食還提供溫暖的臂彎讓我入夢當我 兩歲 在操場上奔跑時 她會確認我是安全的並且不讓我身陷危險之中 當我跌倒受傷了,她抱了抱我並把我扶起來 當我 七歲 咳嗽咳得厲害,她就說我不能吃冰淇...