美國native speaker說話的時候(informal),在"ain't"(sometimes "don't")出現的時候雙重否定仍表否定。比如,i don't need no money;ain't no other man,不能翻譯成「我需要錢」和「別人也能。。。」,而是「我不需要錢」和「沒有別人能。。
起源於美國黑人俚語,多用於hiphop、rap、rock歌詞裡面,口語中也會有,和gonna wanna gotta gotcha什麼的一樣普遍。
請問誰能提供我《trespassing 》的歌詞啊? 20
well, i was walkin' for some time
when i came across this sign, saying
who are you and where are you from?
we don't like when visitors ***e
"no trespassing" that's what it said
at least that's what i could read
no trespassers? yeah, my ass!
wait 'til ya get a load of me!
***e on!
one day i was trippin'
and that's when i could see
it was great, that's when i climbed that optimistic vine
once i hit that mountain peak, i began to lose my mind
i don't need no sympathy
i won't cry and whine
life's my light and liberty
and i shine when i wanna shine
make their faces crack
there's no turnin' back, let's go!
well, i was walkin' for some time
when i came across this sign, saying
who are you and where are you from?
we don't like when visitors ***e
"no trespassing" that's what it said
at least that's what i could read
no trespassers? yeah, my ass!
wait 'til ya get a load of me!
i ain't got bs in my bag that's the one thing you can believe
my heart is gold, my body is glass
***e on baby, can't you see?
i don't need no *** to show me where to go
but i can turn into the north pole
and show you what is cold
i don't need no sympathy
i won't cry and whine
life's my light and liberty
and i shine when i wanna shine
make their faces crack (crack)
there's no turnin back, let's go!
well, i was walkin' for some time
when i came across this sign, saying
who are you and where are you from?
we don't like when visitors ***e
"no trespassing" that's what it said
at least that's what i could read
no trespassers? yeah, my ass!
wait 'til ya get a load of me!
wait 'til ya get a load of me!
i said wait 'til ya get a load of me
i ain't staying at home
i got places to roll
i ain't staying at home, no, no.
hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah yeah yeah
i don't need no sympathy
i won't cry and whine
life's my light and liberty
and i shine when i wanna shine
let's go!
well, i was walkin' for some time
when i came across this sign, saying
who are you and where are you from?
we don't like when visitors ***e
"no trespassing" that's what it said
at least that's what i could read
no trespassers? yeah, my ass!
wait 'til ya get a load of me!
你這個句子是有問題的吧?你所給的no應該是: know吧?否則的話,這個無法構成一句通順的話。
i don't know.
no, i don't.
adam lambert 《trespassing》
歌手:adam lanbert 歌曲名字是《trespassing》
找歌!歌詞有i will walks for some time.
富貴險中求 的上一句是 成功細中取 解釋為 1 成功要注意細節,細節決定成敗 富貴不會來的容易,不冒險不會得來富貴。2 細節決定成敗 3 成功的獲得必須是經過許多挫折的。這是一句俗語,象約定俗成的東西,不是哪個詩人的什麼詩句之類的。所謂富貴險中求,即在充分判斷的情況下,利用偽裝行冒險棋取得意想不到的...
以逗號為一句.如為例,就有四句.比如春 曉 唐 孟浩然 春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥.夜來風雨聲,花落知多少.古詩古詞是逗號算一句還是句號算一句?30 古詩詞中本來沒有逗號也沒有句號,逗號和句號是近代人加上去的.一般是用句回 號表示一段完整的句子.是的答 要知道古代是沒有標點的,完全靠人斷句,因此詩在古代...
一身呼叫炮聲隆,翻江倒海天地崩,天地崩 我的祖國 風吹稻花香兩岸 英雄讚歌 地陷進去獨身擋,天塌下來隻手擎 我的祖國和英雄讚歌中的誇張句,擬人句,排比句 姑娘好像花兒到 復模樣 比制喻 英雄猛跳bai 出到披彩虹 誇張 du這是美麗的祖國,是我zhi生長的地方 在這片dao遼闊的土地上,到處都有明媚...