漢譯英 請幫助翻譯幾個句子,謝謝

2022-02-12 21:00:25 字數 1835 閱讀 4141


1.they are looking at wedding photoes.

2.tourists are visiting that school now.

3.students are looking after the old man.

4.that little child is knocking at the door.

5.what day is today?it's sunday today.

6.what's the date today?it's may 1st.

7.he always thinks about himself.

8.who is responsible for this matter?


they are looking at wedding pictures

the tours are visiting that school

the students are caring the professor

those kids are knocking on the door

what day of the week is today? it is sunday

what day is today? it is may first

he always thinks of himself

who is responsible for this?


1. they are looking at the photos of the marriage.

2. the tourists are visiting that school.

3. the students look after the old professor.= the students take care of that old professor.

4. that child is knocking at the door.= the child is knocking on the door.

5. what day is it today? it's sunday today.

6. what's the dater today? it's may 1st.

7. he is always thinking about himself.

8. who is in charge of it?= who is responsibe for it?


1.they are looking at their wedding photoes.

2.tourists are visiting that school.

3.the students are looking after that old professer.

4.the child is knocking at the door.

5.what day is it today? it's sunday.

6.what's the date today? it's may 1st.

7.he always thinks about himself.

8.who is in charge of this?





求漢譯英的翻譯 150,求漢譯英翻譯

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