
2022-02-26 15:20:11 字數 3343 閱讀 6850


有沒有設定窗體座標系? timer隨便畫在哪 用到的只是它的sub timer1_timer()事件 line 時間設定它的起始點和終點畫線 通過設定窗體的drawwidth 屬性和forecolor來設定線條寬度和顏色



dim x0 as single 'x0,y0表示指標的圓心

dim y0 as single

private sub form_load()


x0 = 1500

y0 = 1500

timer1.interval = 1000

label1.backstyle = 0

label1.autosize = true

with form1

.width = 3150

.height = 3750

.caption = "模擬時鐘"

.backcolor = rgb(188, 238, 104)

end with

with line1 '時針

.borderwidth = 3

.x1 = x0

.y1 = y0

end with

with line2 '分針

.borderwidth = 2

.x1 = x0

.y1 = y0

end with

with line3 '秒針

.borderwidth = 1

.x1 = x0

.y1 = y0

end with

me.fillcolor = rgb(205, 190, 100 + 12 * rnd) '畫表盤輪廓圓,填色

me.fillstyle = 0

circle (x0, y0), 1350, qbcolor(rnd * 15)

me.fillstyle = 1

line1.visible = false

line2.visible = false

line3.visible = false

line1.bordercolor = vbyellow

line2.bordercolor = vbgreen

line3.bordercolor = vbred

end sub

private sub timer1_timer()


label1.caption = date

label1.left = 1150

label1.top = 1700


line1.visible = true

line2.visible = true

line3.visible = true

dim r0, r1, r2, r3 as integer

r0 = 1200 'r0表示刻度圓的半徑

r1 = 1000 '秒針半徑

r2 = 850

r3 = 600

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '畫12個大圈子

form1.fillcolor = rgb(205, 190, 100 + 12 * rnd)

form1.fillstyle = 0

for i = 1 to 12

y1 = y0 + r0 * sin((i * 30) * 3.1415926 / 180)

x1 = x0 + r0 * cos((i * 30) * 3.1415926 / 180)

circle (x1, y1), 40, rgb(rnd * 255, rnd * 255, rnd * 255)

me.fillstyle = 1

next i


for i = 1 to 60

if i <> 0 and i <> 5 and i <> 10 and i <> 15 and i <> 20 and i <> 25 and i <> 30 and i <> 35 and i <> 40 and i <> 45 and i <> 50 and i <> 55 and i <> 60 then

y1 = y0 + r0 * sin((i * 6) * 3.1415926 / 180)

x1 = x0 + r0 * cos((i * 6) * 3.1415926 / 180)

circle (x1, y1), 15, vbblack

end if

next i

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '時針的轉動

with line1

.x2 = x0 - r3 * sin(-(hour(now) * 30 + minute(now) * 0.5) * 3.1415926 / 180)

.y2 = y0 - r3 * cos(-(hour(now) * 30 + minute(now) * 0.5) * 3.1415926 / 180)

end with


with line2

.x2 = x0 - r2 * sin(-(minute(now) * 6) * 3.1415926 / 180)

.y2 = y0 - r2 * cos(-(minute(now) * 6) * 3.1415926 / 180)

end with


with line3

.x2 = x0 - r1 * sin(-(second(now) * 6) * 3.1415926 / 180)

.y2 = y0 - r1 * cos(-(second(now) * 6) * 3.1415926 / 180)

end with

circle (x0, y0), 35, vbblack '在指標中心畫一小圓

end sub








hi 我 ~~我發給你 ~~


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