
2022-11-03 01:00:47 字數 1870 閱讀 1650


dim i as integer

private sub form_click()form1.scale (0, 20)-(20, 0)i = i + 1

if i mod 3 = 1 then me.fillstyle = 0: me.fillcolor = vbred: circle (10, 10), 2, vbred

if i mod 3 = 2 then me.fillstyle = 0: me.

fillcolor = vbyellow: circle (10, 10), 2, vbyellow

if i mod 3 = 0 then me.fillstyle = 0: me.

fillcolor = vbgreen: circle (10, 10), 2, vbgreen

end sub


1.private sub command1_click()

text2.text = strreverse(text1.text)

end sub

2.dim a() as integer, d() as integer

private sub command1_click()

b = text1.text

n = val(text3.text)

redim a(n)

redim d(n)

for u = 1 to n

if u < n then

a(u) = left(b, instr(b, ",") - 1)

d(u) = left(b, instr(b, ",") - 1)

b = right(b, len(b) - instr(b, ","))


if instr(b, ",") = 0 then

a(u) = b

d(u) = b

for i = 1 to n - 1

for j = i + 1 to n

if a(i) > a(j) then temp = a(i): a(i) = a(j): a(j) = temp

next j

next i


msgbox "你輸入的陣列有誤"

end if

end if

next u

for h = 1 to n

if a(1) = d(h) then

e = d(1): d(1) = d(h): d(h) = e

exit for

end if

next h

for j = 1 to n

text2.text = text2.text & d(j) & " : "

next j

end sub

3.dim a(1 to 6) as integer

private sub command1_click()

for h = 1 to 6

a(h) = h

next h

scale (0, 0)-(100, 100)

for i = 1 to 6

for u = 1 to 6

if u + i <= 7 then

currentx = (u + i) * 5: currenty = i * 5


currentx = (u + i - 6) * 5: currenty = i * 5

end if

print a(u)

next u

next i

end sub

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