
2021-04-01 02:23:49 字數 472 閱讀 3501


everyone is eager for success, fear of failure, but failure is also good.

after a failure, we should not give up on themselves, but should motivate themselves with failure. but failure can make us aware of their deficiencies, to recognize your own ability.

therefore, we should change our attitudes towards failure.

failure is the mother of success, if a person has not failed, he can experience the joy of success?


one s deceased father grind reasonwant to strengthen their professional knowledge,university learned knowledge is all some introductory degree of know...


英語高手幫忙翻譯一下 人們常說英國人的家宛如他的城堡。他們的意思是說家是很重要,很私密。大多數英國人住在別墅而不是公寓,許多人都擁有自己的住宅。這意味著他們可以使他們傢俬密化,並且以個人喜歡的風格把家改頭換面。大多數房子裡有花園,即使是再小的房子也不例外,花園大家都喜歡。房子和花園是純屬私人空間。在...


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